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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Revisiting an Old Story.....

I had the opportunity to visit with one of our customers recently who had just had replacement windows installed by Dalco and she told me she wanted to pass on her experience with one of the so-called $189 window vendors. When she was done, she told me we should post her story on our web page and let everyone know what she came to learn.

Well as truth would have it, we had already published a story some three years back that fit her experience to a tee.  So, we elected to re post our original story as posted in 2011.  It seems little has changed in three years......

Our post as it appeared back in 2011:

"We (Dalco) recently signed a contract with a gentleman; we’ll call him Mr. Jones, to replace the windows in his home.  After concluding, Mr. Jones thanked us for the way we conducted our business and then wanted to pass on his experience with one of the $189 window companies.
He began by saying he was “a little skeptical at the $189 price, but thought it worth looking in to.”
He went on, “You know the old saying; ‘if it looks too good to be true’, well it was!”
Mr. Jones continued, “Yes, I could have a double hung window for $189.00; but, if I wanted a screen-extra, if I exterior trimmed-extra, Low-E or the Argon-extra, grids-extra.”
“As it turned out; the $189 guy’s final price for my double hung windows with all the things I wanted, and that you [Dalco] included; was more!”
But, the story didn’t end there.  “Your Dalco bid also included a small picture window in the bathroom and a casement window in the kitchen……”
Mr. Jones exclaimed, “The $189 guy’s quote for that little window in the bathroom (a window with NO working parts) was $477.00 installed….that’s more than twice the advertised $189.00 price…and no working parts!  And, the kitchen window, I won’t even talk about!”
“Well”, Mr. Jones said, “I’m sure glad I took a look at Dalco’s prices before I signed.  I saved some money and relearned an old lesson!”
We’re glad Mr. Jones decided to invite Dalco to install his new windows and even more so he made the correct decision to check out the final pricing before placing his order with one of the $189 guys.  Thanks Mr. Jones and remember us for your other remodeling needs…Dalco!"
Well, it IS true....You CAN get a window for $189....but, like Mr. Jones and many customers since;  it pays to shop....THE WHOLE PRICE and compare.  We were competitive then (even lower with the overall bid) and still are today.
Everybody has a story....Ours is simple: QUALITY, SERVICE, FAIR PRICING....theirs, is a good marketing "hook" to get your attention, then sell you hard.

Our slogan has been and remains: "if you buy from someone else and find out how much you could have saved at Dalco, 'You'll Blow Your Stack"!

Check us out at: www.dalcohomeremodeling.com or call for your free in home estimate. 


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Comparing Replacement Window Warranties

Dalco’s Elite 4000 Window has a far better Warranty than Renewal by Anderson

When shopping for new replacement windows, savvy homeowners should know to seek the one that best fits their needs, has the best standard features, available options, energy performance ratings, price and perhaps most important, warranty.

When comparison shopping for windows you may be shocked and surprised at the vast differences you’ll find regarding the duration and scope of the warranty coverage.

Nothing reveals the truth about a window more than its Warranty

The warranty is much more than a printed document.  It is a true reflection of how much confidence the manufacturer has in the quality of their products.  After all, it’s no secret that only the best products receive the best warranties; and the best warranties offer the best protection and value.  Common sense, yes?

Dalco’s Elite 4000 replacement window is not only a beautiful, low-maintenance window; its robust design and energy performance is second to none.  In fact, you’ll find no better replacement window on the market.  To prove it, we offer the best owner protection policy in the industry.  Simply put, there IS NO better warranty than the Elite 4000.

Full Lifetime Warranty vs. the Limited Warranty

The Dalco Elite4000 is protected by a FULL LIFETIME owner protection policy.  This is a Non-Pro-Rated lifetime warranty that is even transferrable to the next property owner.  The Elite 4000 warranty includes Lifetime coverage on ALL components—all moving parts, frame, sash and screen components.  And, best of all---- Lifetime Glass Breakage.

Let’s take a moment to compare the Elite 4000 warranty to that of another window you’ve likely heard of…the Renewal Window by Anderson.  Big name, must be one of the best on the market because everyone’s heard of it!  Right?---Wrong!!  Spending a whole lot of money marketing a product doesn’t always equate to being ‘the best’!  Actually a side-by-side comparison reveals the Anderson warranty to be inferior to the Elite 4000, in several ways.  Anderson offers only a 10 Year Limited Warranty with a 20 year for glass failure and NO breakage warranty at all!  This pales compared to the Elite’s FULL LIFETIME WARRANTY.

When spending your hard earned dollars

Failing to fully compare window systems and warranties can lead to a poor purchase decision and wasted money.  Ask yourself, which would I rather do….pay for expensive glitzy ads, Anderson; or a better product, superior performance and full lifetime warranty coverage, the Elite 4000 by Dalco!

We invite you to learn more about the Elite 4000 window and it’s system details at our web site; www.dalcohomeremodeling.com